Equipping people holistically in order for them to grow and develop into their best selves in different areas of their lives. The aim is to teach, inspire, develop & empower.


The concept of "Ministry is Work" was born out of the desire that Norman Mposhomali had to equip people holistically in order for them to grow and develop into their best selves in different areas of their lives. The aim is to teach, inspire, develop & empower. This is done through an annual 3-day conference "Equipping Men/Women/Youth Conference" Where various speakers who are experts in their field are invited to come and equip us with their knowledge and experience. This is also achieved through the books that Norman Mposhomali has written.

Ministry is Work 1 & 2

Ministry is Work is the first book that Ps Norman Mposhomali wrote with the sole purpose of helping church members transform into workers of the kingdom and not just church attenders. The first book gave insight into how the success of any ministry is reliant on the interconnectedness of every member, department and structure of the ministry.

Ministry is Work - It Requires Resources encourages believers to contribute their resources such as time, talent and money to the advancement of the ministry.



Norman Mposhomali is the lead pastor of Trinity Bible Church Kriel which was founded in April 2013. He is under the leadership of Bishop N.J Mufamadi who is the founder of Trinity Bible Church - International. He got his call into ministry in 1991 and began serving under the leadesrship of Apostle Mutshekwa who personally mentored and trained him into the work of the ministry. He later got ordained as a pastor when he started serving under Bishop N.J Mufamadi.

Norman Mposhomali is passionate about equipping the saints with biblical truth for transformation and growth. His ministry is one that challenges you to grow and stand up and be counted in your own area of influence. He is an author, father and married man who lives in Secunda Mpumalanga with his family.


Emmanuel International Ministries WORKSHOP

The Workshop was held in Pretoria Cullinian. Ps Don Matlala founder of EMI requested a MiW Workshop for the purpose of equipping the leaders and members of his church from both the books. Teachings included - What is ministry, the importance of having a working mindset, Jesus as a worker, and also the importance of resources in the ministry etc.


The Workshop was held at LTM, in Witbank. Bishop F. Ndlovu, founder or LTM requested a MiW Workshop on a Sunday (it was divided into two services) the purpose of the Workshop was to equip the leaders and members of his church from the first book. Teachings included - What is ministry, the importance of having a working mindset, Jesus as a worker, and also the importance of resources in the ministry etc

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Upcoming Events

This gives an update on our upcoming events.


Ministry is Work Workshop 

DATES: 30 JAN 2023 @ 6PM-8PM AND 31 JAN 2023 @ 6PM-8PM

Ministry is Work

Founder: Snr Pastor Mposhomali M.N



Join us to be taught, inspired, developed & empowered. This is done through an annual 3-day conference "Equipping Men/Women/Youth Conference" Where various speakers who are experts in their field are invited to come and equip us with their knowledge and experience. Keep in touch with us so that you don't miss our exciting events.